Event Alert: Book Your Tickets Now!
15 October 2024
Join us for the exclusive networking event and book launch 𝙇𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙞𝙣 𝙖 𝙒𝙞𝙘𝙠𝙚𝙙 𝙒𝙤𝙧𝙡𝙙 at Kasteel d...
NEW BOOK: Leading in a Wicked World 🌍
27 April 2024
Our new book, Leading in a Wicked World is now on sale in our whole wicked world.
Create Space, Invite Magic
18 April 2024
Sonja presented her performance titled "Create Space, Invite Magic" on April 14th in the iconic Theatre Pepijn, in The Hague. The video is now available.
Network session The Leadership Journey
31 October 2023
On 27 September, the latest network session of The Other Perspective took place in The Hague.
25 September: book launch
8 August 2023
Op maandag 25 september is de boekpresentatie van 7 Perspectieven op Leiderschap. Wil je erbij zijn? Meld je dan nu aan via de site van Kloosterhof.
7 Perspectives on Leadership
23 June 2023
The Dutch Edition of "7 Perspectives on Leadership. Insights from the Coaching Room" is now available.
From Neglect to Psychological Safety
20 December 2022
The December issue of the Dutch Journal of Coaching features the article "From neglect to psychological safety. Perspective of a team coach."
The Future of Leadership is Hybrid
30 June 2022
The new case study of The Other Perspective is now released in the Dutch magazine TvOO.
Reconsider Your Bias
8 March 2022
Inspiring, interactive series of workshops. developed and facilitated by Dian Lens & Sonja Wekema.
Happy Valentine’s Day ❤️
14 February 2022
As Associate of the Self Worth Academy, I placed a few books at different locations in The Hague.
Podcast Odd Owtcomes
21 December 2021
Podcast about Purposeful Patience, Courage and Curiosity.
TBW nominated for Joke Smit prize
28 October 2021
The Board Whisperers are nominated for the Joke Smit endorsement prize. Vote now!
TEDx talk online
16 July 2021
The TEDx talk "Reveal Your Hidden Treasures" is now available online. Watch it here.
WBECS presentation well received
4 February 2021
Recording is now available.
Sonja on the TEDx stage on 20th March
23 January 2021
In two months, Sonja will be standing on this red dot @ TEDxTwenteU. Join the seven speakers online on 20 March 2021 and buy your ticket NOW!
Invitation: join the conversation about neglected organisations on 3rd February 2021
7 January 2021
On Wednesday 3 February 2021, Sonja will host a session as part of the WBECS Full Summit.
Increasing your business performance? Don’t forget about the culture!
3 July 2020
Registratie van de virtual round table sessie van 23 juni jl., gehost in samenwerking met R&G Global Consultants, incl een case study van MCAM.
The Importance of Humane Leadership
27 May 2020
Stories Worth Sharing, 29 November 2019 | The Transcript
The Great Transformation
23 May 2020
75 years after the Second World War ended, we are currently facing the Corona-crisis. About two months have passed, and we have already gotten used to the pan...
Corona? You will get through this.
12 March 2020
Corona - houd je hoofd koel & toon leiderschap
TOP celebrates 3 year anniversary!
24 February 2020
At TOP, we celebrate our 3 year anniversary. Thanks for all the cooperation and wonderful projects that we have been able to work on together.
White Paper Culture Transformation by TOP and R&G Global Consultants
22 January 2020
Company culture is a term on everybody’s lips these days. And rightly so. Read more in our new White Paper.
Sonja facilitates Bits, Bytes, Engagement & Culture Transformation
13 January 2020
9 April Brussel | 18 May Haarlem - English on request at a later moment. Interested? Pls let us know.
10 December 2019
On November 29, Sonja Wekema spoke about The Importance of Humane Leadership.
TOP plants a forest
9 November 2019
Sustainability is important to us. The future starts today and that is why all participants of our workshops receive a tree.
The Other Perspective Network Event: Self-Worth
1 September 2019
You are invited to attend this exclusive workshop with Sonja Wekema and John Niland on the topic of "How Self-Worth Transforms Your Working Life".
The Other Perpective & Lumina
23 May 2019
We added a new psychometric tool to our suite: Lumina Spark & Lumina Leader.
Quote to reflect on
6 April 2019
Take a look through someone else’s eyes…
27 August 2018
15 years ago, 'Look Through My Eyes' (Phil Collins) came out. The lyrics are still relevant for most of us. Do consider taking a look through someone else's ey...
Dongfeng Race Team surprises competition and wins Volvo Ocean Race
24 June 2018
Congratulations to the Dongfeng Race Team that won the Volvo Ocean Race by taking the offshore route to the finish, unlike the other teams.
Daniel Pink – Autonomy, Mastery, Purpose
11 May 2018
Daniel Pink shares a study about what truly motivates employees. Excerpted from his talk in 2016 on motivation.
One Year The Other Perspective – Seven Lessons
14 February 2018
In February 2017, I started The Other Perspective. Starting my own business brought me a lot. I am happy to share with you my seven lessons of this first year.
The Other Perspective on Mastery
9 January 2018
The School of Mastery and The Other Perspective join forces and will co-create 'The Other Perspective on Mastery'. More will follow in the course of this year.
Without a value based company culture, you are doomed to fail!
26 November 2017
Dr. Hogan discusses the importance of values, and how organisations need to put less of an emphasis on descriptive values and focus more on prescriptive values.
Test your assumptions. Ask questions.
20 November 2017
The Other Perspective
7 October 2017
To find a solution to your puzzle, you might consider using The Other Perspective...
Insights Discovery coaching session
25 August 2017
Sonja held a coaching session with Fanny, the highest bidder during an auction at primary school HSV. Aim of the auction was to teach children how to code.
Change the world: Make your bed
21 August 2017
"If you start every day by making your bed, you will change the world - for the better" William Mc Raven, 2014
Surprise yourself!
14 August 2017
The famous quote by Usain Bolt on the occasion of Pride Amsterdam and Usain's last World Championships.
Tomorrow starts today
28 June 2017
What will the rest of YOUR life look like? Or will you let others decide for you? Need some help? Please contact Sonja to discuss what she can do for you.
When it is time to listen to your gut…
6 May 2017
8 big lessons about life changing events: turning 40 and working with a company for 10 years...
1 May 2017
To see these chairs filled with people who have the drive, the energy and the power to build something great. How wonderful would that be?
What I wish for everyone…
27 April 2017
The importance of the first follower
10 April 2017
Not the first leader is important. It is the first follower that makes the first person the leader.
The Other Perspective in pictures
3 April 2017
A true other perspective front runner: photographer Erik Johansson.
Are you ready for a new perspective?
Leading in a Wicked World
About Sonja
The Leadership Journey
Second Hand Rose
Let's talk
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