Change the world: Make your bed

It's 1983. I am 7 years old and hear my mother calling from downstairs 'Make your bed before you get down!' At the time, I truly did not see the benefit of that. Until I saw William Mc Raven's speech....

His motto: “If you make your bed every morning, you have accomplished the first task of the day. It gives you the right start to finish more tasks later that day. “Mc Raven is convinced that with this mindset you can improve the world.

Therefore, the speech he gave to the University of Texas in 2014, I recommend everyone to see.

Maybe a little late, but still: Thanks Mom!

“Start each day with a task completed. Find someone to help you through life. Respect everyone. Know that life is not fair and that you will fail often. But if take you take some risks, step up when the times are toughest, face down the bullies, lift up the downtrodden and never, ever give up.

If you do these things, then the next generation and the generations that follow will live in a world far better than the one we have today. And what started here will indeed have changed the world — for the better.”

Admiral William McRaven, 2014

(Image: Vincent van Gogh – Bed in Arles)


